Restaurants Are Starting To Make Instagram Menus

Instagram has proven that it only takes a smartphone to become a food photographer with a following.

It was only a matter of time until restaurants would start capitalizing on the trend. Comodo, a new Latin American restaurant in Soho, has started what it’s calling the first-ever Instagram menu.

Basically, New York diners are encouraged to tag food pics with #ComodoMenu — the restaurant goes so far as to spell it out on the menu.

This way, restaurant-goers won’t have to take a fake trip to the bathroom in order to spy on what the food at other tables looks like.

Of course, there’s a downside. Since the campaign lives on Instagram, Comodo has absolutely no control over what people post.

So if there’s a bad plate of food, there’s no way to keep it from ending up …


Filed Under: F&B


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  1. Madeleine Ciobanu says:

    Instagram is one of the most popular application regarding photography and, like it is stated in the article, it will be only a matter of time until restaurants, hotels and other businesses will begin to use it. I personally think that, if encouraged, even the restaurants will be able to promote their own dishes so that the customer will know how it will look like.
    The only possible disadvantage is that, by using the filters, the photo will always look good in the eyes of the viewer, but in reality the dish might look totally different.

  2. Alina Brovkina says:

    I like this idea with Instagram because it can be useful for the customers. On the other side it the fact that Comodo  is not able to control what people are posting can become a serious problem for their business. 

  3. Mariella Su says:

    I think the use of instagram for food can be both beneficial and problematic. Instagram can help the restaurant in terms of marketing because the picture can be editted to look nicer and tempting. However, for the guest, it can be deceiving as the pictures may look different compared to the actual dish when they visit the restaurant.
    As such, I think the use of technology like instagram should be managed properly

  4. Christopher Szigeti says:

    In my oppinion, Instagram is a very clever way to advertise food, but it doesn’t match with fine dining. For a bar or a lounge it is an awesome way to show what they have as an offer of a day for example.

  5. Jason Samuel says:

    Instagram is a great marketing tool. I think of the appeal is due to an idea that elctronic devices are somehow a fancy and almost fashionable. A menu on instagram is nothing special if you think about it, but the immediate thought is “oh wow, i have to see that!”

  6. Maria Gapishko says:

    I think that the idea of ​​a social network instagram is very interesting, because now is a Generation Technology, many people will want to see how it works, to look at the electronic menu device. This strategic move of the company is very correct, and I think in the future will bring in a lot of profit

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