Make Your Wine Drinking Smarter

First, a quick word of thanks to those of you who read yesterday’s post.  Many of you shared some very uplifting feedback and I really appreciate this.  Now, as promised, we’re back to the wine and I have something cool to share with you today.  It’s an app and I love it.

So, I’m guessing that I spend a bit more time than the average bear trying out and, most frequently, discarding new phone apps.  I’m an enthusiastic spectator when it comes to tech, techies and their world.  The innovation that takes place there inspires me to no end.

One of my favorites of recent history, Instagram, is no longer a secret and is now owned, for better or worse, by Facebook.  None of this matters to me, I remain an enthusiastic and frequent user.

The same, however, cannot be said for wine apps.

I think I’ve tried just about all of them and they quickly get boring, get tossed and I’m back to either Tweeting about what I’m drinking or Instagraming photos thereof.  If the back-and-forth wine banter on Twitter and Instagram is any indication, I would say I’m not alone here.  I would also guess that I’m not alone in having had a pointed comment directed at me specifically saying: “NO MORE INSTAGRAMS OF WINE BOTTLES!” Got it.

All of this, however, is about to change.

Several folks over the past few months tried to introduce me to a new app and it’s creator and those intros just kept getting buried under all of the ‘must-do-nows’ that happen in our busy lives.  Then, my man Chris Sacca said, dude, focus, you gotta meet these cats.  So I took notice and went to SF to meet them.  These cats include, among others, Mike Montano, Chris Golda and the main man, the designer himself, Alex Fishman.

Alex’s app is called Delectable. And it’s awesome.  Here is how Alex describes it:  “Delectable allows consumers to remember the wines they have had and buy them again simply by using their iPhone to take a picture of the label. Using the photo alone, Delectable identifies the vintage, winemaker and wine name, matching the image to the exact wine in our database of over 1.5 millions wines.”

That’s pretty awesome right?  As a sommelier I heard a million times; “I can never remember what I drank!”  Solved.

I also heard: “Oh, I’ll never be able to find that again.”  Also solved.  In fact, I was lucky enough to have a 1978 Dujac Echezeaux the other night and just for grins I tried out the very cool go-and-find-it feature.  This is where you can direct Delectable to find what you’re drinking so you can buy it again.  I’ve used this with success but this time I  was figuring they wouldn’t be able to do it.  I mean, common, ‘78 Echezeaux doesn’t grow on trees. Well, I was pleased to be proven wrong.  Within the span of a few hours I had an opportunity to buy the wine and have it delivered to my door.  Wow.

This is all good, but I think discovery and community are also really important to people and sharing via wine drinking experiences is no exception. Again, I was engaged as it allows you to follow your favorite industry professionals, your friends, your family – anyone – and you can see what they are drinking and perhaps be inspired to try something new.  That’s cool.  Ultimately, I feel as though the app I am curating a cool community of people drinking interesting things that have led me to discovery, debate, and fantastic shared experiences.  I think you’ll enjoy it too.



Filed Under: F&B


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  1. Bobkat1297 says:

    iPad App Store states no delectable app found. Different spelling?

  2. Mariella Su says:

    I think the new application for the wines will really help the customers purchase the wines.
    Sometimes, it might be hard for a person to remember the year and type of wines he/she is buying, especially when they are all different.
    With the help of this application, this can be made much easier.

  3. Mariia Tsap says:

    I think it will simplify life to many judges of wines!

  4. Trinity Lee says:

    This app is useful for the people when they don’t know how to select the wine. It can make people buy the wine smarter. People will not purchase the wrong wine anymore when they own this app.

  5. Christopher Szigeti says:

    This application has no real use in my oppinion. Someone who cannot remember the wines they tasted, will probably not be able to distinguish different wines. Altough, the go-and-find option is very clever, but still only for a few people will use it.

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